🗳️Multi Wallet Tutorial


To use Multi Wallet mode, you will need to provide private keys for the wallets you wish to use (See "Adding Wallets" section). Your private keys will never be saved or recorded by the team. All keys will be hashed and encrypted with AES. There is no way to have multiple metamask signatures for different wallets at the same time, so we use exported private keys to work around this. We recommend creating new MetaMask wallets for the accounts you wish to Multi Wallet with, and load them each with only whats needed to get your entry to the coin. Once your wallets are added, you will be able to select them from the list before buying. Keep in mind that whichever wallets are selected will be used to purchase tokens in your transaction. If one wallet doesnt have enough funding to cover the tokens + gas, it will fail. Even if one wallet fails, the other wallets will still buy.

pageAdding Wallets

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